Thursday, May 23, 2013


We spent 1 week up North in Vadsø, helping out with Filedefia Church and Pastor Max! We had a movie night, prayer night, worship seminar, worship evangelism, dance workshop and a concert. The week went extremely amazing! We made so many deep connectinons it was extrodianry. The concert, went amazing a full house full of energy. Also, the dance workshop was huge with freedom and helping break free into expression and not be held by a shy spirit.

Another great aspect for us in Vadsø was connecting with the Russ students fixing to graduate. We went into the school and played a few songs and then got invited to play at a Russ bonfire on the beach, where made great connections and got to speak love and life over many kids and pray for them.

Overall, Vadsø was great in encouraging and uplifting the church and reaching out and going out to the people who won't come to the church. Really being the hands and feet of Christ loving all of His children wherever they are at! Vadsø = Amazing!

Here are a few more pictures from this week:.

-written by Dillon Rogers

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