Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tromsø Worship School

On Friday and Saturday of last week we were in Norkirken, Tromsø and had a worship school. I was very excited for this, as it has been spoken over the city that it will be a city of worship. We came together - with people from no less than 7 different churches(!!!) - and worshipped together, and then we talked about how we as worship leaders in an effective way can engage hearts in worship. 

On Saturday we went into more practical themes, with Aslak teaching on how we can best create a flowing worship set through our choice of transitioning between songs. Then we jumped on our instruments and practiced.We ended the Saturday with a worship concert where people who hadn't attended the worship school came as well!

Throughout the weekend there was time for us to share hearts with, and encourage one another, as well as learning from the different experience of worship that we have, coming from different backgrounds. It was great to see the hunger that those amazing worship leaders have... And believe me, they are amazing people! They truly are lights in the city of Tromsø, and to see their passion for our King Jesus was very inspiring to me!

So we thank God for a great weekend where worshippers of the north have been encoraged and equipped. Seval people testified that this weekend was exactly what they needed... Come on God! We ask Him to continue to bless the worship leaders and intercessors of Tromsø, and for strength snd joy in their ministry to the Lord and the people! 

- Joy

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